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Writer's pictureDr. Sebrenna Whitlock

We've got this! We will get through this together.


It has been a tough year, right? As if times were not already challenging, here comes something that none of us anticipated – COVID 19. When the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2019, and we all yelled HAPPY NEW YEARS, we never imagined that 12 months later, we would be living through one of the most spiritual and emotional challenges ever to be recorded in history. For goodness sake! It was January 1, 2020, and we proclaimed the survival of another year. We made our New Years' resolutions. We claimed that THIS was the year that God would give us "Perfect Vision" and that we could see the change coming our way only to be disappointed - emotionally, physically, and for some of us, spiritually. And now, you are wondering how you will make it to tomorrow.

Hold on, I say. We've got this! We will get through this together.

The sun will RISE again. You will SMILE again. You will LAUGH again. Your heart will be filled with LOVE again. Your situation WILL change. How do I know? Because the Bible says that YOU are indeed covered. "The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Deu. 31:8 Eternal means forever... never-ending... timeless... perpetual. God will be GOD always. And when times get rough, and you fall or falter or stumble into your tomorrow, know that God is still there to catch you. And because God's everlasting arms are underneath of you… you will never drop as low as you can go. I want you to find peace and comfort in knowing there is a limit to what God allows to happen in your life.

You and I will get through this together.

Say Your Name!

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Donald Stout
Donald Stout
Jan 18, 2021

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